
Nishchal Siddharth Pandey

Final year B. Tech. Computer Science and Engineering student at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India.

Interested in Data Structures, Algorithms and Android Development.



The idea is to manage sensitive health records using block chain technology. User’s identity is maintained using Aadhaar Number, and provide additional services except just maintaining records.Solidity, Android, Java


Developing a community for learners. People with similar ideas can share their views and have nice discussion.Firebase, Flutter, Firestore, Firebase Cloud Messaging, typesc, nodej


Helping people by analysing their mood swings throughout the day and notifying them and their loved ones in case problems are found.Firebase, TensorFlow, Java, Android SDK, SQLite, MongoDB, Nodejs

Blow the Garbage

Helps the cleaners clean the messy roads Provides an easy platform to accomplish the Swachha Bharat Mission Attempts of reducing the load over officials by using Machine Learning.Firebase, TensorFlow, Android, Google Maps API, PhilJay Graph API, Mapbox API


For the welfare of MNNIT studentsFirebase, Google Maps API

Health Castle

Provides an easy platform to people for monitoring their and their friend's/ family member's healthFirebase, TensorFlow, Android, SQLite, PhilJay Graph API


Data Structures
Blockchain Technology
Android Developement
Java SE


  • Trilogy Innovations - SDE Intern
    May 2021 - July 2021

    Worked on a topic modeling (NLP) project which uses SGRank algorithm. Improved data cleaning side of the product.
    • Used Lambda to fetch product’s working status and save to S3. Used this to create QuickSight dashboard and embedded it into React App.
    • Technologies used: SGRank algorithm, Amazon Web Services (Lambda, S3, Athena, QuickSight), React, Serverless, Dgraph database.