
Nirali Parekh

I'm a highly motivated 2nd-year Computer Engineering student. I aspire to be a fine software developer with the ability to build maintainable, scalable, and reliable software. I'm a fast learner, hard worker and team player who is proficient in app dev and using dev-tools. Some of my mini-projects are:

  1. GreyBazaar App
    A market-ready app that allows buyers and sellers to connect to each other while keeping the sanctity of anonymity and various functionalities.
    Github link:

  2. Inventory Management App (At Unicode)
    A react native app built at Unicode that fulfills the entire inventory functionality of storing and logging the inventory for small to medium scale stores.

  3. Blood Bank Management system ( Java)
    Allows users to register to the Bloodbank database by giving relevant details and donate blood Patients can receive blood from the system which matches the blood types from the blood bank. An extensive record of every transaction is maintained.
    Github link:

  4. Movie Recommendation Engine
    Using Machine Learning, it gives users movie and series recommendations based on their watch history and networks.



Trading is not the problem, context is. With Fintech, we put the stock market in perspective! A beginner can learn the ropes and understand the concepts to maximise the prospects of making a profit.Android Studio, GitHub, Plotly


Video Analysis for Marketing and Business Development.HTML, Bootstrap, Node.js, Flask, Microsoft Azure, Praw


C language
React Native
Java GUI


  • Kaypee Computer Services Pvt Ltd. - Web Developer
    December 2019 - January 2020
  • Levyne - Mobile App Developer
    February 2020 - May 2020