
Nimish Khurana

I am third year undergraduate student pursuing Computer Science and Engineering at UIET, Panjab University. I have been very fascinated by the revolution technology is bringing in all the domains such as healthcare, finance, smart devices, efficient energy usage. I have explored different fields like web, android and Machine Learning in the 2 years of my college. It feels like I have just scratched the surface and there is lot more to explore and gain knowledge. I like building stuff from technology and that's why I am here. I also participate regularly in competitive programming contests and have strong problem solving and programming skills.



Towards Automation of the Hiring ProcessJavaScript, Flask, OpenCV, IBM Watson, WebRTC

Image Style Transfer

Transfers style of one image to other using Deep LearningPyTorch, Deep Learning, Matplotlib, Python, Jupyter Notebook, VGG19

Books Review Website

A website to submit and view books reviews.AJAX, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Handlebars.js

Equity Trading Portfolio Manager

View and Compare stock price of different companiesCSS, Beautiful Soup, Python, Plotly


Machine Learning
Apache Airflow


  • Eduwiave Foundation - Full Stack Data Science Intern
    June 2019 - July 2019

    Worked on an NLP project which involved matching of millions of articles with their authors or recommended authors.
    • Performed preprocessing of articles, training word2vec model in AWS Sagemaker.
    • Worked on end-to-end project with integration of model with frontend by developing Flask APIs.
    • Made the ETL pipeline with Apache Airflow on AWS.
    • Shifted the CSVs to MongoDB to reduce latency in searching.