
Nikhil Raj

I am a second-year engineering student, pursuing a bachelor's degree in CSSE (with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning).

Currently, I'm into Deep Learning and Neural networks, learning image processing, computer vision, and natural language processing. Apart from this, I am an aspiring back-end web developer, fluent in Python, and frameworks like Django and Fast API, and also familiar with NodeJS and ExpressJs. Known to databases like MongoDB, SQLite3, and PostgreSQL, and cloud technologies like AWS.

I'm an open-source enthusiast, love to collaborate on open-source projects, and actively participate in such programs as well. My open source activity includes participation in Girl Script Summer of Code 2022, where I ranked 75th among 850+ active participants, contributing to projects on Django, building quiz pages, integrating authentication, and enhancing UI. I have also been part of Hacktoberfest'22 where I participated as a maintainer, and reviewed, and merged 60+ PRs.

Also a part of a student community named Clueless as a core team member, where we aim to provide curated resources for learning, providing GitHub repositories that help one to get started in the world of open source.

My interests include producing technical content, creating documentation, and watching movies:)


College Buddies

A website that helps you to find event going on in different colleges across the country.React, nodej, MONG, EXPRE, next, Tailwi


A GitHub repository recommendation system based on the concept of content-based filtering provides you with filtered repositories which do have at least one open issue to make contributions.JavaScript, Next.js, Git, AWS Lambda, Python, GitHub, AWS, AWS Cloudwatch, AWS Cloud9, React.js

Smart Naka

Tracking vehicles smartlyJavaScript, OpenCV, SQL, Python, Flutter, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Twilio, DynamoDB, YOLOv3 Algorithm, Tesseract OCR


You take care of your document, we take care of everythingNext.js, Flutter, Golang, TypeScript, Twilio, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Tailwind CSS, Vercel

