
Nate Hart

I'm obsessed with blockchain technology (most specifically ETH) and have been for the better part of 2 years. I love the potential of true digital ownership and am a very large collector of NFTs, especially CK.

I do not have a formal background in software development, but I have built several tools around CK's core contracts. I know my way around a contract and have built my own contracts for various tasks and projects. I built an NFT project by myself which is nearly ready to launch (contract is complete, website is complete, but needs marketplace integration).

I consider myself to be a SME regarding the dapp ecosystem and their respective economies. I am a very heavy dapp user (100k+ transactions), and also very active on discord in numerous gaming/collecting channels.

I would love to attend ETHdenver to hack with some friends and learn some additional skills as well as network with other like minded individuals.


Microverse.Life Cell NFT

Mint, split, and merge NFT biological cells. Compete to make unique and special cells and avoid getting rekt!Node.js, OpenZeppelin, Infura, Vuetify, Remix IDE, TypeScript, Etherscan, Netlify, Drizzle, Truffle Suite

