
Naman Sethi

My name is Naman Sethi, and I am currently pursuing my MCA degree at IP University. Previously, I completed my BCA from Maharaja Surajmal Institute.

My skill set includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, C++, Git, and SQL, with professional experience in building chatbots and working with the Django framework. I also have experience in working independently and as part of a team. My tech expertise extends to modern technologies like Docker, Firebase, Tailwind, and Svelte.

I was a finalist in the Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2022, and my team was selected for the finals in SIH 2023 at the college level. Additionally, I have hands-on experience in developing responsive web applications, authentication systems, and APIs using Postgres and MongoDB.

With a passion for collaborative problem-solving, I have participated in hackathons, working alongside peers with skills in ML, frontend design, and backend development to create innovative solutions.


Hunger Free India

On a mission to End world hunger by beginning charity at homeHTML, CSS, Django, JavaScript, Python

Samajik Network

The Connecting PlatformDjango, JavaScript, SQLite, CSS3, HTML5​, Bootstrap​


An Eco-Friendly Donation Platform.React, SQLite, RestAPIs, Django rest framework


Flask and Django
Html Css Javascript Bootstrap