
Naitik Jain

The programming languages that I am well versed with include C, Python, Java, JavaScript etc. I have done several courses on Web and App Development. One of my projects include making a Hospital Management system which was basically a doctor recommendation system wherein a patient can track his past appointments and a new patient would be recommended the best doctor available based on their speciality by taking in data about which type of patients a doctor treats the best and also your illness is taken in considerations. Another big project that I made was a University services app that had all the services related to canteen orders, lost and found, event notifications, cleanliness etc. Another project that I made was a Blog App which had the feature where one could post pictures, videos, etc. if he is logged in and had a comment section where people logged in can comment on it only if he/she follows that person. One can also see how many followers he/she has and can see a graph which depicts the increase/decrease in the followers per week. I am a 5-star Python coder on Hackerrank. In Web Development, I have a proficiency in ExpressJS, NodeJS, Django, MongoDB, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery etc. In App Developement, I have a proficiency in Java, XML, Firebase etc. I have developed a website which would help to find the route which would take the least time to reach the destination. The Graphs implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm was used along with vis.js to show the output graph which gives you the fastest path possible



A portal for the farmers


Android Developement
Web development