Nahal Roshan


Nahal Roshan


Skill iconSolidity
Skill iconJavaScript
Skill iconReact.js
Skill iconFlutter

Kozhikode, India

I am Nahal Roshan K From kerala , currently pursuing B-tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from College of Engineering Trivandrum(CET).Basically I'm a Full Stack Web Developer who is currently working on concepts of Blockchain and related technologies .I taught myself how to utilize Blockchain Technology to improve the quality of our community and make them beneficial from this.
I would describe myself as someone who is highly motivated ,I am skilled in Front-end and back-end web development using MERN Stack, different programming languages including solidity which is a crucial one for blockchain development and I particularly enjoy working as a part of a team .I have done individual projects and as well as group projects which helped me to grow myself as I always believed making projects will always sharpen that current technical skill .I seek new challenges and try to think out-of-the-box while looking for creative solutions to a given problem.
Now, I am interested in expanding my learning graph by participating in the EthIndia hackathon as it will create a bigger opportunity to connect with many likeminded friends and experienced personalities.