I am a software developer. Believes in decentralization.
The idea is to store all the important documents related to a user and all the certificates awarded to the user in a tamper-proof manner such that each document can prove its validity.IPFS, Node.js, Flutter, MongoDB, EthereumPradarshane
NFT Market place and create your token. Tokenize everything.Solidity, React, JavaScript, Matic, MongoDB, Ethereum, Portis, NodeSamaj
Pay gas fee in ERC20 tokens also a social network.Solidity, React, JavaScript, Ethereum, Blockchain, Biconomy SDK, TellorPradarshanee
NFT Market place and create your token. Tokenize everything.Solidity, React, Node.js, Matic, Ethereum, PortisPachisi
Make money being right.AAVE, Ethereum, ChainlinkPachisi
Make money being right.Solidity, Matic, Ethereum, Chainlink, Biconomy SDK, Portis, React.jsBlockuSign
E-Notary System is a blockchain-based secured Digital Notarization system which gives institutions as well as common people privilege to sign the aggrements in a secured way. Its gonna be revolution.Solidity, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, nextjs, HardhatSkills