
Matjaz Primec

Love to explore high technology, use it, design it and implement it. Involved into blockchain programming (mostly Solidity) from 2018. Currently involved with our team to create fun social platform featuring memes stored as digital collectibles (non-fungible tokens, or NFTs), where users may uniquely share profits by voting on their favorite memes. They may also discover, upload, comment, favorite, share, buy, and sell memes in different categories.

But I need to emphasize that my involvement in blockchain is still at hobby mode in my private time, because I work as professional developer in eCommerce on SAP/Hybris platform mainly in backend (JavaEE/Spring).


Gasless Chain Agnostic Minter

Make the NFT user experience fast, simple, and flexible with gasless transactions that are compatible with different blockchain networksReact, Matic, Ethereum, Biconomy, Portis, Truffle Suite, NodeJS​


Database Systems
Hybrid Applications
Blockchain Development
Java EE