I'm good at Machine Learning and Data Science along with that, I'm also pretty confident in Data Structures and Algorithms. For me, there were a lot of projects that I felt was tough (I'm a slow learner) but the project I did for the National Level Smart City Hackthon, "Smart Odisha Hackathon", conducted by Odisha Govt. stands out being complex in terms of limited time as well as resources, which gladly got us the Prize. In the project my job was to create a mobile application integrated facial recognition system from scratch.
Having worked with some advanced ML model architectures and implementing them from scratch, e.g YOLO, I'm pretty good for what I'm getting teamed up for.
I participate in Hackathons to learn and evaluate myself ,and yeah, for those cool swags too :-D.
The ability and opportunity to create new innovations in such a small time is what drives me towards hackathons the most.
So, I guess, I will not be a wrong choice for Hack on Hills.