

I am a front-end developer with a strong passion for smart contract development. The prospect of bringing my creative ideas to life on the blockchain excites me immensely. My expertise lies in crafting user-friendly interfaces while ensuring seamless integration with decentralized technologies### Professional Introduction

Notable Projects

  • POAP EX | ETHTaipei Hackathon

    • Achievement: Won the GNOSIS prize.
    • Description: POAP EX is the final puzzle piece, ingeniously filling the gap in the POAP ecosystem and bringing the POAP economic system to its ultimate perfection.
    • Link: POAP EX Project Details
  • Kukuponpon | ETHGlobal

    • Achievement: Secured the 1inch biggest prize.
    • Description: Kukuponpon is a blockchain game-focused voucher wallet, addressing GameFi challenges like high entry barriers and marketing inefficiencies. It features anonymous expert verification, free player sponsorships, and strategic promotion budgeting. Utilizing technologies like ERC-4337 and Layer 2, it streamlines user engagement in forums and in-game activities through easy management of promotion codes.
    • Link: Explore Kukuponpon
  • KryptoGO - Crypto & NFT Wallet Extension

  • Goblinverz NFT Game Integration Experiment

    • Description: Experimented with integrating NFTs in a gaming environment, bridging blockchain with digital entertainment.
    • Link: Goblinverz Experiment

Aspirations for ETH Global Hackathon

At the ETH Global hackathon, I am eager to collaborate with other blockchain enthusiasts, leveraging my diverse experiences to contribute to groundbreaking projects in blockchain technology and application development.



Email2Ether: Keyless Email Wallet via ZKSolidity, Node.js, nextjs, Circom, ERC4337, ZK-Email, ZK-regex


Functional programming