I'm a 2018 CS undergrad from IIT Roorkee.
Post college I worked at an Investment Bank for a year, following which I moved back home to run a WebRTC consultancy.
Some projects I've worked on include -
- Open source work - https://github.com/hkirat I'm not as active as I used to be but I built
in college that trended on Reddit and YC, HackerNews and Github for a week.
- Google Summer of Code - I've been part of GSoC twice in college. The second time was the more interesting one where I worked for Mozilla on an ed-tech platform of theirs.
- WebRTC consultancy - Over the past two years I've worked with close to dozen companies helping them build in-house realtime Video/Audio tools (Think internal zoom). Some of these include Virbela, JamKazam, SpotME and BigHappy.
- Gather.town - I currently work at Gather, a metaverse startup. I work in the Video team and dabble with crypto whenever there's an opportunity to!