
Khushali Patel

I am a CSE undergrad at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli. I am currently a member of Spider,the renowned R&D club of NIT Trichy .I am an enthusiastic App developer at Spider. Over the summer I have worked on a number of personal projects involving android app development, webdesign front-end using HTML5 , javascript and css. I am currently enrolled in a deep learning AI course on coursera. I am well versed with a number of programming languages like Python ,C and Java. I currently working on the Institute's annual sports fest app along with my colleagues from Spider.Recently we conducted a workshop for the first year teaching them basics of android app development along with arduino and embedded C.We helped them create an app controlled biorobot. I worked on the app which communicated with the arduino nano chip using Bluetooth communication.The app also included an accerelometer sensor which helped moving the robot on tilting the android device in the required direction. As a part of the workshop i also taught the juniors basics of object oriented programming, android studio basics and types of sensors available in an android device. I am interested in image processing and looking forward to taking projects related to it in the future. I have also started a project on IOT with my colleagues in Spider.


making learning smarterHTML, CSS, Django, JavaScript, Python, Natural language processing (NLP)


Android Studio