
Keshav Goyal

I am beginner at developing solutions to the real world problems .
solutions for problems whch can be made from software and reduces the man power.I am beginner in making the solutions to the problems.I learned NODEJS and javascript and mongoDB and coding languages(c,c++).I and Our team will come up with a good solution for the given problem statement.My beginner project is a TODO API which keeps track of all our list of todos and the tools used are NODEJS,MongoDB and i used heroku to deploy . I have participated in DotSlash Hackathon and developed a solution for tolling system on highways as people have to wait for long periods which waste theri time and also increase pollutuion from vechiles so our team came up with a e-tolling system which recognises the registration number of car through ocr system and the user have to pay online.


Map_PGM Detection

The Bestie delivers and guesses shapes like rectangle, squares in a pgm image with a user input for the file. It provides a CSV file with co-ordinates at the web output console.HTML, CSS, AJAX, C++

E-Toll Fine

Aims to eliminate the delay on toll roads, HOV lanes, toll bridges, and toll tunnels by collecting tolls without cash and with minimum time delay for cars to stop.Node.js, MySQL, OpenCV-Python




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