DIR(Decentralised Investigation Report) : It is an dapp on which one can register FIR and can see the progress step by step i.e from investigation to judgement.
I am proud of this project as it is removes all the conflicts happen will registering FIR like manipulation,etc.
It is in beta stage and for implementing it we need govt. and police support .
Biggest roadblock is technology itself i.e. blockchain as there was not enough material at that time when i have started this project. Then I searched on github for previous blockchain dapps and tried a lot to understand and refered documentations to find solution for my project.
The project link is : ""
Fabric Care : It is an one stop solution to cease waiting list manipulation and black marketing of the donated organs using hyperledger fabric.
Biggest roadblock in this project is also Hyperledger blockchain technology as it is continuosly changes or updated.
To overcome this roadblock I regularly watch IBM Hyperleger youtube channel and have to follow all the updates.
The project link is : ""
Noqueue : Android app to eliminate queues and save a great amount of time by generating virtual tokens as priority number.
Biggest roadblock in this app is server to manage distribution of tokens and i.e overcome using firebase technology.
The project link is : ""