
Jannik Luhn

see main application



GraffitETH is the Ethereum graffiti wall. It’s an experiment in market socialism, a collaborative artwork, and a window into Ethereum for the world.OpenZeppelin, MetaMask, ethers.js, The Graph, Hardhat, xDai, xDai Bridge, Goerli, The Ramp, Gnosis Safe

The Ethereum Censorship Monitor

A tool and webpage that looks for evidence of validators censoring transactions. It observes the mempool and checks if transactions don't get included in blocks, even though they should be.Geth, SQLite, Python, Vue

Friendly Staking

Setup a staking pool amongst your friends. Convenient, cheap, safe, and great for network health!Solidity, JavaScript, Gnosis Chain, Svelte, Hardhat, Goerli, Viem, Gateway

