
Jacob Jelen


Escape Hatch

Providing emergency exits in case of layer 2 censorship.React, ethers.js, Etherscan, Netlify, WalletConnect, pinata, Loopring API, zkSync

HackPacker DAO

DAO for traveling hackers! We are creating a P2P, DAO secured protocol based on stake to connect hackers and local people and at the same time a DAO that will be able to sponsor hackers and hostsSolidity, React, Vite, Computers, coffein, xDao.app

Donation Appreciation

Donate any ERC20! Meme coins, pointless airdrops, random legacy coins... every little helps. Once the pile gets big enough, it gets converted to USDC and donated to a good cause...Solidity, Uniswap, Scaffold-eth, EigenLayer AVS, The Graph subgraph