
Isha Waghulde

I am a Computer Science undergrad at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli. I am currently an Android App Developer at Spider, the renowned R&D club of our college. Over the months of June and July, I worked on a couple of App Development projects, and picked up a bit of Front End of Web Development. I am conversant with C, Java, HTML and have picked up quite some Python. I have started foraying into Artificial Intelligence and am currently pursuing an AI course on Coursera. I am currently working on an admin project. As a part of then project, I am involved in making an app for the sports fest of college which is slated to be released soon. Recently, Spider organised a workshop for the college juniors, which constituted building an app controlled bot. We developed the app for the workshop implementing Bluetooth communication with Arduino either through clicks of buttons or by detecting the tilt of the device which used the mobile sensors. I am fond of writing and write for Film Society Nit Trichy regularly. Apart from this, I am a part of the Public Relations and Hospitality Team for Festember, the cultural fest of our college.


making learning smarterHTML, CSS, Django, JavaScript, Python, Natural language processing (NLP)


Android Studio