
Robert Pollock

I'm an artist and software developer dedicated to helping individuals and small organizations connect, co-create, and create change in the world through collaborative storytelling. Three years ago, I co-founded PageDAO as a grassroots collective of writers who were passionate about bringing literature on-chain. We worked hard to build solutions, including many experiments and participatory events. Our flagship offering is an NFT flipbook minter on Polygon that has been running for 2 years, and offers holders of a membership NFT the right to create unlimited interactive readable NFTs.

Without a big marketing/hype budget and purely organic interactions, we've enabled 168 authors to generate more than 1.2Eth in organic sales volume with the average sale price around $10 USD. My personal vision has been to leverage the tools and infrastructure to create virtuous cycle creative systems that solve real world problems. This includes privacy-first ownership, lending assets, gifting assets, fluid onboarding/offramping, and collaborative tools like multisigs and payment splits. The goal is to help stakeholders create their own configurations that work for them.


PageDAO Secure Crosschain Docs

We've put books on chain since 2021 and now we're making all literary work them fully secure, decentralized and unstoppable.IPFS, React, MetaMask, Vite, CosmWasm, Axelar GMP,, secret network

PageDAO Books

The digital publishing platform cooperative as public goodReact, Smart Contracts, Strapi, Polygon,,, secret network

