
Rajvardhan Patil

● Glucobetic
○ A machine learning project which predicts the state of diabetes of the user with the help of the K-NN Algorithm. This project is aimed to solve the basic problem of identifying the stage of diabetes that a person is going through. The model analyzes different parameters such as age, cholesterol, BMI, etc. to provide this information.
● Stack Market Model
○ The cost of 45 stocks in BSE is analyzed. Information about Daily Average Price Change, Average Daily Rate of Return, Average Monthly Rate of Return, and The average Yearly Rate of Return is also deduced. The price of the stock in a specific time interval is displayed using graphs


Money maven

A pesonal Finance management website. The project aims to develop an AI/ML-based application that can help users manage their personal finances effectively while promoting sustainable solutions.HTML, React, CSS, JS, Python, Mongo, streaml


Cyber Forensics