
Isha Shah

I am not what I seem to be, Reals ones can find real me


Water Quality Monitoring

With this system we intend to measure various water quality parameters such as pH, Turbidity, TDS and Temperature of a large water body by deploying several units of such devices.Machine Learning, Matplotlib, Tkinter, Python, Arduino

festival fever

it is about different festivals celebrated in different states of indiaHTML

Virtual car helath assistant

It gives you instant solutions for your emergency problemsPHP, HTML, Node.js, CSS, JS, MySQL Server

Speech To Sign converter

In the modern era of online communication, speech-to-sign language translation is essential for hearing-impaired individuals. It will bridge the gap in communication between hearing-impaired and norma, A. Python, B. OpenCV, C. PyAudio, D. Tkinter, E. BeautifulSoup

Plant Detection Technology using ML with solutions

Plan diagonsis on your handsDeep Learning, Python, HTML/CSS, Flask API

Green Ecommerce

We outlined a green e-commerce and blockchain reward system. This system aims to identify the contents of the product and provide the percentage of its eco-friendly nature based on which we can rewardHTML, CSS, JS, Python, JSON, React.js


Cloud Computing
Basic of Python