A 3rd Year undergrad having interests in Android Development and Computer Vision.
Recently I have developed interest in Open Source and started contributions in Mozilla.
Also have been in MLH Fellowship.
My interest: Solving real world problems(in my project section).
In my pass time I love getting involved in cricket.
Project Section:
2.Recent Times- A news app to get updated
A self made Android News App to get daily headlines.
User selects the categories and the corresponding articles are
Used:News API,Retrofit.
3.Spell Checker(like Grammarly)
Used: Edit Distance-1 along with Bayes theorm for calculating
probability of correct-word respect to the error.
Language models used: Unigram,Bigram and Trigram
1.Accomplished better user experience in chatting section,One to One communication feature.
2. By implementing Media sharing,custom text styles
(to create impactful messages), Animations and Linkinflation.
3. Created a medium to report problems user faces and rectify them thereby increasing the user experience of app.
4.Downloads :100+,Rating:4.9
Working under Proff Ram Sarkar in the field of Medical Image Analysis using Transfer Learning.