
Rishav Dhar

A 3rd Year undergrad having interests in Android Development and Computer Vision.
Recently I have developed interest in Open Source and started contributions in Mozilla.
Also have been in MLH Fellowship.

My interest: Solving real world problems(in my project section).
In my pass time I love getting involved in cricket.

Project Section:

  1. Traffic Congestion detection & removal:
    Developed a centrally controlled traffic system model which helps to reduce traffic congestion in metropolitan cities.
    My work included making the GUI which displays the live pictures of
    junctions ,their exact location along with the congestion index of a
    particular junction.
    Used:Tkinter,Heremaps API.
    Secured 1st Place out of 120 teams.

2.Recent Times- A news app to get updated
 A self made Android News App to get daily headlines.
 User selects the categories and the corresponding articles are
 Used:News API,Retrofit.

3.Spell Checker(like Grammarly)
Used: Edit Distance-1 along with Bayes theorm for calculating
probability of correct-word respect to the error.
 Language models used: Unigram,Bigram and Trigram

  1. Medical Image Analysis using Transfer Learning.
    [Ongoing research project under Proff. Ram Sarkar, CSE, Jadavpur University]
    I am a hackathon winner (Rank 1 out of 5000 teams) and have secured internship offer from Samsung Research Institute Bangalore for Summer'21.


Quick Grader

.Django, NLP, django-rest-framework, React js


Android Developement
Image Processing


  • inCampus - Android Developer Intern

    1.Accomplished better user experience in chatting section,One to One communication feature.
    2. By implementing Media sharing,custom text styles
    (to create impactful messages), Animations and Linkinflation.
    3. Created a medium to report problems user faces and rectify them thereby increasing the user experience of app.
    4.Downloads :100+,Rating:4.9

  • Jadavpur University - Undergradute Researcher

    Working under Proff Ram Sarkar in the field of Medical Image Analysis using Transfer Learning.
