
Himanshu Gupta

I am a coding and machine learning enthusiast. I am passionate to tackle creative and cognitive challenges.

I participated in Smart India Hackathon 2019 and built a Soil monitoring system An IOT based portable soil monitoring system along with a webpage developed in Django to predict the type of crop to be grown in a particular soil, fertilizer pattern prediction, disease prediction, pest detection using image recognition etc.

I learnt how to work on a challenging and competitive environment and how to tackle the challenges of real world. I learnt data collection, data cleaning, and implementation of ML models in real life projects.

I am again ready to create a new Software Creation and contribute to technical world.



Online Agriculture ExpertDjango, Machine Learning, Internet of Things (IoT)


Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Amazon Web Services


  • Coding Ninjas India - Teaching Assistance
    December 2017 - March 2018

    Helped students to debug codes, solve their assignments and other queries