
Hetvi Solanki

I am Hetvi Solanki, from SVKM's DJSCE Mumbai. A valuable team member who has experience diagnosing problems and developing solutions. Have an immense love for hackathon where-in i get to take part with people across colleges and get to learn a variety of new skills, **with 4-5 former wins in various state level as well as national level Hackathons. **Talented leader with unique ideas and a
history of successful contributions in the field. A great pitcher with a passion for designing and developing.



Helping Servicemen and their familiesReact, Node.js, Flutter, OCR, MongoDB, Tesseract OCR, Jitsi, ChartJs


Machine Learning


  • OggnTech - Full Stack Web Developer
    July 2022 - August 2022

    Made an entire website, from scratch. My term included designing the fronted for the required site on FIGMA, coding the frontend on REACT using CSS libraries and also writing the backend in NodeJS along with MONGODB database. The site especially catered to the students of various sectors. The website had 2 portals, one for the ‘Experts’ and the other for the ‘Students’. Experts can register on our site by uploading their relevant field of expertise with a proof/degree for the same. Students can register on our site and ask doubts related to their curriculum, which all the experts could see. Experts knowing the solution can answer them. The student who had asked the doubt can view all the solutions provided to that one question and can select one or multiple correct answer which could solve the problem. The expert whose solution was chosen to be right gets his/her score/rating increased.
    Along with making the website, I also solved some DSA challenge questions and quizzes during the term of the internship, every weekend.

  • JPMorgan Chase & Co. - SDE Intern
    February 2023 - February 2023

    Incoming Software Development Intern at the J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.