
Harsh Singh

I'm currently a front-end and flutter developer and transitioning into a full-stack developer and I love to contribute into opensource projects and to participate in Hackathons.

Worked with technologies like
Front-end : Bootstrap , Materialize Css,Sass, Reactjs Redux , Hooks and Context Api
Back-end : Nodejs , Django ,Php , MongoDb
Programming languages : C,C++ ,Python,Javascript
Mobile : Flutter, ReactNative , Ionic
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain

Won 1st prize at Samvid Hackathon as a team held at Shankracharya college where we made a crowd source community for farmers so that they can ask questions related to farming.My job in my team was to design the UI of the website

Won 2nd prize at 36inc hackathon as team conducted by Universal Acceptance where we had to derive a solution for websites to accept the email adderss in hindi and other regional languages.My job was to design the front-end UI in the team.

The most complex project I have worked as an individual is a Restaurant app .

I like to work with new technologies and develop solutions to a real world problem and currently I am working for my startup idea.


Tribes Baazar

E-commerce for tribal people using blockchain-based supply chainReact, Firebase, Ethereum


Food is precious, Foodonate it!Visual Studio Code, Dart, Git, Postman, ngrok, Python, Flutter

