
Harsh Rajput

My name is Harsh & I am a Frontend Blockchain Engineer at @Dapplooker Building data driven. I'm a driven individual who is eager to learn new technologies in order to advance daily. In order to learn more about various technologies and make a major contribution to the industry, I'm seeking for challenging possibilities in the IT sector. Web3js, Substreams, React Js, Redux, Nextjs Angular, and other programming languages and frameworks are a few things I have experience with.


DataQuest - Quest, Queries and Earn

A decentralized platform, that is permissionless, and transparent, with no limit to 'what tokens' and focuses on helping people who want data, meet people who get data, and get incentivized for fit.Smart Contract, Filecoin, Subgraph, EPNS Notification


Lyric revolutionizes the music industry by uniting artists and fans through blockchain, offering decentralized fundraising, exclusive content releases, discovery, and interactive live streamsSolidity, JavaScript, Next.js, Smart Contract, TypeScript, The Graph, Smart Contracts, React.js, Polygon (Matic), IPFS / Filecoin




  • DappLooker - Frontend developer
    June 2022 - Present

    At Dapplooker, I work as a front-end developer. putting two different projects to work. One is called dapplooker, and the other is Graphlooker. Here, I'm discovering a lot of new things. Every day brings a fresh obstacle. Working on concepts related to web 3 and blockchain keeps me interested.