
Harsh Kumar Bhartiya

Since the very start of my journey in the educational field, technologies have always amazed me.
The desire to develop and work with bleeding-edge technologies have always seemed to drive me.

My interest and passion for technology have given me the opportunity to be a Developer at SDSLabs, IIT Roorkee, which is a small group of students fostering technological know-how in the campus. I am also a programmer at Programming and Algorithm group, IIT Roorkee.

During my first year at IIT Roorkee, I made it a point to try various fields of Computer Science to find a suitable interest.

In the field of Algorithms and Competitive coding, I have been actively participating in contests on competitive websites such as Codeforces and Codechef. My team had also ranked 316 all over India in the ACM-ICPC online round.

In the field of Deep Learning, I have done a project on face detection (Image Processing) on python using Tensorflow for face detection using Faster-RCNN under Prof. Biplab Banerjee of IIT Bombay.

I am also an active open source contributor and have contributed to coala where my work has mainly been related to continuous integration and dependency resolution.

I have worked on various projects in the field of Web Development using technologies such as PHP, Javascript, Node and React. Few of these projects are available on my Github repository and others are private to the SDSLabs repository. One such project is Quizzio, which is an online contest holding platform, where I have worked mainly on the admin panel and code refactoring.

In the field of Game Development, I have worked on games based on Virtual Reality built on Unreal Engine and tested on Oculus Rift in Microsoft Code.Fun.Do where our team was in the top 3 in the online round.

I have also taken part in various hackathons in the campus such as SDSLabs hackathon and Code.Fun.Do. The experiences in these hackathons have been great and I hope to have some really cool experience at HackInOut.



Gamify Workspace with Incentive(cryptoTokens)-driven decentralised-appraisal systemGraphQL, Ethereum TestRPC


Sharing of Computational resources with Crypto TokensNode.js, Docker, GraphQL, Golang, Matic




  • SDSLabs - Developer