A fresher in work, seeking an Internship in the fields of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain. A highly organized and hard-working
individual looking for a responsible position to gain practical knowledge. Always looking for opportunities to expand my skills and talent and
to compete in a challenging environment.
Enables peer-to-peer agricultural transactions and processing while cutting out the middlemen, and thus saving the farmers from the exorbitant costs and giving them what they deserve for their crops.React, Node.js, Reactstrap, MongoDB, ConseilJS, SmartPy, Arronax, Nautilus CloudEmergency Monitoring System
Crossing boundaries of Medical SystemReact, Node.js, MySQL, Socket.IO, sequelize.js, Express.js, Microsoft AzureYatriKosh
Making virtual tourism easy for travel enthusiast ; Visiting places from your couchVisual Studio Code, Android Studio, Dart, Heroku, Flutter, Adobe XD, Kotlin, Virtual Reality, MongoDB, Google APIPaySol
PaySol is a chat based non-custodial crypto wallet that empower users to transact SOLs via P2P, keep track of financial records, advertise offerings, earn SPL tokens for every transaction.Heroku, MongoDB Atlas, Netlify, Material-UI, Nodejs, reactjs, PusherJs, solana/web3.js, SerumJSGamegon
Gamegon allows an individual to play skill-based PvP games like Chess Tic-tac-toe, where they get a chance to win 2x rewards by staking their desired amount of MATIC tokens.Solidity, Socket.IO, Remix IDE, Web3, Nodejs, reactjs, MaterialUISkills