Hey everyone! I am Harish Pariyar from Nepal. I am currently an undergraduate student (Computer Science & Engineering) at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala. I have some experience in front-end web development (HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript). Currently, I am focused on learning MERN stack. I love to solve coding problems and challenges time and again. Besides coding and tech, I love to connect with new people, travel to scenic places, taste diverse cuisines, etc.
'Software Engineering is all about teamwork'
Sahaya aims to ease out the life of soldiers with the motive of making it easier for them to contact each other and the authorities via a reliable and cheap method.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, GitHub, Nodejs, BootstrapPadhai
99 problems for collegeNode.js, JS, CSS3, Express.js, MongoDB Atlas, HTML5Padhai
It is designed specifically to solve day to day campus problem for students .HTML, JavaScript, CSS3, Express.js, MongoDB Atlas, NodejsKrishi Seva
Improving agriculture, improving lives.jQuery, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express.js, MongoDB Atlas, Nodejs, BootstrapSkills