
Nilotpal Pramanik

I am Nilotpal Pramanik, pursuing my Dual Degree BTech-MTech in Information Technology with specialization in Robotics at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad. My particular interests are in the field of machine learning, computational modeling, and autonomous mobility in vehicles. I have hands-on experience in Java, Python, and C++ Programming Languages and Android Application Development.

Recently I participated in the HackerEarth Game Jam 1.0 hackathon and won 2nd prize for developing a 3D game named "The Dark Chase" on Unity3D. (

I participated in the "Product Hack, E-Summit Hackathon 2020" with a team of four and won the 2nd Prize. There we developed an automated natural disaster detector, which can predict the occurrence of natural disasters (cyclone, wildfire) in real-time and send an alert message to the authority to take necessary steps in advance.

I took part in the "NEC Digitalizing Rural Education Hackathon 2020" with a team of two at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, India. We designed a Smart Real-Time Drawing Class Assistant utilizing pix2pix tensorflow model.

I participated in the "Hack36 Hackathon 2020" with a team of three and developed a fully automated city surveillance system to detect the occurrence of road accidents, fire in buildings, robberies in real-time and send an alert message to authorities in minimal time delay.

I took part in the "Hack In The North 2019", with a team of four and designed a model to self-automated music therapy through predicting the user's emotion by analyzing their pupil and iris size. There, our project was selected among the top 5 projects for the final round.

I participated in the "Hack In The North 2018", with a team of two and built Facebook Messenger based chatbot to provide movie and TV series information utilizing HASURA (hello-nodejs-express cluster).

I took part in the "IIIT Hacks 2016", with a team of four and developed an Augmented Reality based Pokemon-fight android game using C# on Unity-3D Game Engine.

I was selected as a summer (May - July 2019) research intern at Nagoya University, Japan on a project of Path planning with Spatio-temporal context information for Autonomous Vehicles. There, utilizing a 3D LiDAR sensor on a mobile robot, I collected Point Cloud data of the surroundings and created an enhanced High Definition 3D-map where the path of an autonomous vehicle can be updated in temporal context situations like road blocked due to accidents or being under construction for a specific time duration.

During my internship (May - June 2018) at IIT Guwahati, India, I developed a geosocial android application to build route maps in real-time. The app captures route data – distance, time taken, maximum velocity, and current velocity from any user cycling with the application running on their mobile phones. It also records background audio data to predict traffic conditions.



Self Automated Music Therapy SessionsTensorFlow, OpenCV, XGBoost


A fully automated city surveillance systemFlask, TensorFlow, Keras, Python, Twilio


A real-time surveillance system enables the detection of people with knives, guns, and other dangerous objects in public places and makes alert to security forces to take necessary steps.PyTorch, OpenCV, Python, Darknet, Twilio, YOLOv3 Algorithm




  • iit guwahati - Summer Intern
    May 2018 - June 2018

    Designed a geosocial Android application to build route maps in real-time. The app captures route data – distance, the time taken, maximum velocity and current velocity from users cycling with the application running on their mobile phone. It also records background audio data to predicted traffic conditions.
    Skills: Java | Python

  • Nagoya University Japan - Summer Intern
    May 2019 - July 2019

    During my Summer Internship at Nagoya University Japan, utilizing a 3D LiDAR sensor on a mobile robot, collected Point Cloud Data (PCD) of surroundings as .rosbag files to create a High Definition 3D map. Then using Autoware, ROS based open source software, the path of Autonomous Vehicle was updated in real-time for Spatio-Temporal incidents like road blocked due to accidents or being under construction for a specific time duration. The application has been tested by simulating the virtual car model on Moriyama Dataset and visualized on rviz.
    Skills: C++ | ROS