
Gnanesh divi

This is Gnanesh I could define myself with a good experience with full-stack web and app developer including web3 and ml skills .I have worked on various frameworks and web 3 combinations ,flutter-web3 react-web3 and so on . The applications included ml integrations and other api interactions which can make the application more domain oriented and use case specific .The smart contacts were deployed on various networks like Matic, polygon,streamrand also on localhost depending on the use case . I have worked on plant nurturing application ,file management system, hospital maintenance during covid for secured bed booking use web3 .Looking forward to contribute to the decentralised community ...


Market Bridge

The bridge that connects producers and consumers.Flutter

Location survailance for covid,Medical assistance

1)Location Surveillance It checks the physical distancing during COVID.if density is more then it alerts 2)medial assistance-maintains reports, diet, periodical tests&precreptionFirebase, Unity, Dart, REST API, Flutter


This helps the people to plan your daily tasks like going to banks, supermarkets, and many more. This decrease the amount of social gathering at places.Node.js, JS, REST API

SocialDistancing Tracking for analysis

This solution helps to maintain social distancing for a large area like a country and also brings awareness in people to stay away from social gatherings like a market place, even public transport.Bootstrap, Firebase, JS, Dart, REST API, HTML5, Flutter, Google Maps API, CSS3

Red Spot

An alert for danger and the transparency that is not maintained in the data of health results. It brings te awareness in people about social distancing.IPFS, Firebase, Smart Contract, Dart, REST API, Flutter, Google Maps API, Remix IDE, Ethereum

Project còir

An efficient, transparent, and robust solution for data management in courts and police stations across the country using blockchain technology.Easy to use by both clients and officialsMetaMask, Dart, Flutter, Ethereum


📈Increment savings💰💰, 📈Increment nature☘️ 🍀…TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, Dart, Flutter, Matic, Ethereum, Blockchain, Python3


Increment Savings ...,Increment NatureSolidity, TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, Dart, Flutter, Matic, Remix IDE, Ethereum, Blockchain

Project Detroit

Bringing in transparency and justice to allSolidity, MetaMask, Dart, Flutter, Ethereum, Blockchain


- to make a better worldSolidity, Firebase, Flutter, Ethereum, Blockchain, Dart Programming Language, mattic


Encourage....Analyse.....DecentralizeIPFS, Node.js, Flutter, Matic, Rust, Unity 3D, Express, Covalent, Filecoin


Data is the new MystryReact, Node.js, Infura, Express.js, The Graph, Covalent, Polygon, Dune, Cartesi

B1- project 001

Bypassing the boundaries of paymentsReact, Node.js, Express.js, The Graph, Filecoin, Consensys, Arcana, Polywrap


Blockchain on Your FingertipsSolidity, Twilio, Blockchain, Nodejs, expressjs, Polygon, REvise, Tatum

Shoot Your Friends~

A Decentralized Virqality born in Sui Network and breathing in Spheron ServerExpress.js, Rust, Unity3d, C#, Shaders, React.js, Spheron, move, Sui Network

01 Realm

Unleash the Future of Social Gaming in a 3D NFT UniverseSolidity, IPFS, Infura, Unity, WebGL, pinata, coinbase, BASE


RESTful API Design
Full Stack