I am Gaurav Raj and I love to develop my own websites and apps. I had my first coding eperience back when I was in 9th STD and since then I was hooked into it. Starting with JAVA and C++, I learnt about various components involved in creation of some basic applications. Also since childhood I was fond of arts and hence it sparked my interest towards Designing as well. Currently I am trying to extend my knowledge of basic programming to make fully functioning Apps and Websites.
Health A Gram
Building a network of plasma donors across India for the recovery of COVID-19 patients with a vision to build a community for better health.HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, Django, JavaScript, PythonHealth A Gram - JAAR
Building a network of plasma across India for the recovery of COVID-19 patientsDjango, Python, HTML/CSSCOVID Saathi
COVID k saath bhi, COVID k baad bhi :)HTML, CSS, Django, PythonCoVax
One stop destination for all your COVID problems :)Django, JavaScript, Python, Django rest framework, CSS3, HTML5NFT-Zap
A Decentralized NFT exchange platformSolidity, React, Infura, Web3, EtherscanSkills
Android Developement
Android Native Development
Google Firebase