When I delved into computer engineering last year, I was very anxious as to what I should expect. Cue a year later and I can proudly associate myself with some of the most intriguing and innovative projects. I am driven by my passion to create new things and work with interesting and out of box ideas. I believe that innovation is my forte and once I am committed to a project, I won't leave it until I have exhausted all my creative juices. My only goal before starting anything is to ensure that I learn something by the end of it and upgrade my skill set. Here's the link to two projects I worked on:
• LUNA- An E-Commerce website created for feminine hygiene products with a fully conversational AI driven bot (Sage) which has various features like customizing period kits, directing users to other pages, FAQ’s and taking customer reviews. (Content, idea and presentation)
Link: https://luna.coderedhackathon.repl.co/
GitHub link: https://github.com/xanthena/CodeRed_CSHTN-04
• LOG MEMO- Worked on the UI of a task scheduler and reminder app for hotel Alka residency (Thane) (In progress)
GitHub link: https://github.com/gargananyae/Log_Memo_1.git