A Network Security and a Software Development enthusiast.
One of the things I love most about software engineering is the constant learning that comes with it. New technologies and frameworks are constantly emerging, and I'm always eager to learn and stay up-to-date on the latest trends.
I develop in Java with toolkits such as AWT and Swing, Competitively code in Python3/Java, develop WebApps in HTML and CSS, configures Network Security using Nmap, SSH Terminal and know my way to tackle Punycode Attacks, Fast Flux' and can work fluently on SSDeep under Fuzzy Hashing (CTPH) aswell.
By closing the loop and leveraging agile frameworks, I help people to connect with each other using a simple yet effective and user friendly translator.Node.js, JavaScript, Flask, spaCy, Python, Express.js, HTML/CSS, Google Translator API, HeapqDECENTRALIZED MARKETPLACE
Welcome to the Next Evolution of Crowdfunding: Transparent, Trustworthy, and Truly Decentralized. Ignite Change, Ignite Possibilities, Ignite the Crowd.Solidity, Node.js, JavaScript, Next.js, ethers.js, React.js, Hardhat, Web3modalSimpli
Bridging Language Gap with Precision.Node.js, JavaScript, Flask, spaCy, Python, Express.js, Google Translate API, Core ML, HTML/CSS, CSS3Skills