Shinjan Patra
Hi Everyone, Shinjan here
I'm basically an app developer, my tech stacks include SwiftUI, and Flutter in app development. I've done several projects in hackathons as well as personally. Looking forwar
Hi Everyone, Shinjan here
I'm basically an app developer, my tech stacks include SwiftUI, and Flutter in app development. I've done several projects in hackathons as well as personally. Looking forwar
Bangalore, India
🔭 I’m currently working in Ionio.ai
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on AR/VR + App Dev projects.
🤝 I’m looking for help with Web Development.<br>🌱 I’m currently learning Next.js & Three.js
💬 Ask me about Flutter & SwiftUI
⚡ Fun fact is that i like spontaneous plans alot.