
Sreeram Venkitesh

I'm a self taught programmer, who is good at making android applications. I also know to code in python and have . I have this urge to learn new things all the time. I have worked on several projects, the complex of which is a messaging app for college students. I had to learn a lot of things on the way to be able to code them up. I learnt that many of the things we find initimidating are actually really simple if we roll up our sleeves and learn about it. I had worked like this for a long time and this even lead me to winning at ETHIndia 2.0 conducted by Devfolio! I believe I will be a perfect addition to any hackathon team and that I can put my skills to good use and make amazing products, given the perfect venue!



Want to download a torrent? Search for torrents on the network and voila, no more censorship, ISPs blocking you, and the data stays forever.React, Redux, Matic, Torus, OrbitDB


A writing app that takes prompts from the r/writingprompts subredditNode.js, HTML/CSS, Deta




  • Deta - Full Stack Intern
    July 2020 - August 2020

    I worked on projects using Deta's databases and hosting and created documentation and tutorials based on my work.