Hi, My name is Fenil Rami. I'm a 3rd year Engineering Student in Vishwakarma Govt. Eng. College. I am passionate about coding and mostly in web developement and problem solving. I always ready to learn new technologies and skills. Currently I'm working on NodeJS and ReactJS projects.
Developed interactive backend server for live mobile application to connect database with frontend and to
manage live user data.
Developed RESTful APIs using NodeJS, ExpressJS and MySQL to store and retrieve user information
Hosted NodeJS server with MySQL database and also explored ways to improve server’s performance and security.
Implemented real time chat between users using Socket.io library in NodeJS.
Improved user authentication by implementing Email verification via Link/OTP using jsonwebtoken.
Technologies I worked on during the internship are NodeJS(Socket.io, JWT, Nodemailer, Multer etc.),
ExpressJS, MySQL, Postman API(For API Testing).