I'm a student at VIT Vellore and am currently pursuing my B.Tech in Computer science and engineering. I enjoy coding and have been learning web-development and machine learning. i always wanted to bring a change in world however small it is and my innovation could really help this world so I hope that through this hackathon I plan to keep my first step in the technical world's experience.
------------------------HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, Machine Learning, Nodejs, Streamlit-x-
xxxxxxCSS, JavaScript, Machine Learning, Nodejs, HTML5, StreamlitXX
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxCSS, JavaScript, Flask, PyTorch, Machine Learning, Python, Nodejs, HTML5, StreamlitEduRecruit
Hiring Redefined!JavaScript, Flask, NumPy, pandas, Python, Natural language processing (NLP), HTML/CSS, StreamlitSkills
Object Oriented Programming Language