
Elvis Dsouza

I am a Computer Enineering Student aspiring to become a data scientist. I am interested in machine learning, data science, database management, cloud computing, devops and deep learning. I love to work in groups where responsibility can be shared and work can be done more effectively. I am hard working and try my level best to complete the task at hand. I also love to learn new technologies.



A blockchain......React, Node.js, BigchainDB, Cloud computing, Express.js, Plotly, Vault, vagrant

Skin Disease Classification

A user interface which accepts image of skin lesions and predicts the class of skin disease.

Using ansible as an advance deployment tool

Devops tool to deploy machine learning models, web servers and cloud instances in suitable linux environment

Presenting Obstacles Around an Aerodrome

A user interface that allows you to view, search and model obstacles around an aerodromeFlask, Python, PostgreSQL

Call centre logs classification

Classify call centre audio logs to desired categories

Teachers Portal

An online portal for teachers to view their data and keep records of various activitiesNode.js, JavaScript, Embedded Javascript (EJS), HTML5, PostgreSQL, CSS3

Optical Music Recognition

Detecting musical symbols in sheet music and classifying them accurately in real timeTensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, Python

Flip Classroom Attention Detection Portal

Students viewing online lectures will be monitored and the data will undergo further visualizations and analysis to improve solution to online lecturesNode.js, JavaScript, TensorFlow

Providing Solutions to farming through IOT & Deep

Sensors set up in a farm will push data to the cloud which will be analyzed and based on trends the sensors will alter the temperature irrigation and provide farming solutionsPython


Data Science
Machine Learning


  • Fusion Engineering Services - Computer Vision Intern
    June 2019 - August 2019

    I worked on optical music recognition, detect musical symbols in sheet music. For this we used various object detection, image segmentation models , trained and fine tuned them, develop datasets, preprocess images and also performed training on the cloud.

  • Cloud Counselage Pvt - Technical Intern
    January 2020 - Present

    Part of a competitive programming team that will participate in various coding competitions . Also responsible for handling the cloud requirements and aspects of various projects. I will develop cloud based solutions and deploy various applications to the cloud.