Winner - Top 10 - ETHGlobal'24 Frameworks
Winner in 4 tracks - Base, Framejs, Privy, XMTP
ETHIndia'23 Winner in 4 tracks - 1inch, Scroll, AirStack, XMTP.
Winner ETHIndia'22 in 3 tracks - Polygon, IPFS and zkBOB
Built a Government ID Zero Knowledge Verification System with government APIs with Polygon ID infra and mobile app - Was in talks for a grant.
Won many hackathons since then, Launched great products, Got awarded by Product Hunt - Built Senpai AI
#4 Best Health Product of the Week
#14 Best of the Day
- Ideated user onboarding for Clamp ETHTokyo'23 Winner in a challenge - A crypto index platform.
- Partnered with Huddle01 Previous ETHIndia Winner and ETHIndia'22 Sponsor to build Bonfire - Omegle but regulated.
- Built Stashlink for NFT enthusiasts that got featured in threads by crypto influencers - Linktree for NFTs.
- Built Questcaster, scaled to 10k+ users.
- Built CheckinCaster with friends, received grant from Base to build it further.
- Been dabbling in Cloud, AI now, Got travel sponsored by the amazing Devfolio for Lightspeed'23 AI Hackathon.
- Got sponsored by the awesome buildspace to attend their irl event in dubai - graduated 2 seasons of buildspace - made amazing connections and built 3 products.
- 5xed my investment through **Bonk Solana shitcoin **and lost most of it on NFTs - Been pretty active in NFT ecosystem - attended spaces a lot - learned a lot about crypto investments.
- Learned from Alchemy Learn, Metaschool, LearnWeb3 and many more web3 x edu platforms.
- Invited out to web3conf'23 on a scholarship.
- Got gifted developer_dao membership.