Hey, my name is Dixit Tilaji and I am a 3rd year IT student at L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad. I am passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology, particularly in the areas of web3, blockchain, and other emerging technologies. In my studies and projects, I have gained strong programming skills in C++ and C and experience with popular frameworks like ReactJS and NextJS. I am always eager to learn more and take on new challenges, and I believe that my skills and enthusiasm make me a valuable asset to any team.
BlockProof is a blockchain based certification system that allows an educational institute to mint NFTs of certificates for competitions. it allows student to claim it to their wallets as an NFT.Solidity, IPFS, ethers.js, Ethereum, Tailwind CSS, React.js, Polygon, ReplitDe-Store
One-stop solution for devs. to add their DApps.Solidity, JavaScript, ethers.js, Truffle SuiteSocio-DAO
Socio-DAO helps us to take decision/Buy property in any particular housing society by leveraging the tools of decentralization and elemenating the need of a single central authority.ethers.js, reactjs, MaterialUI, Hardhat, PolygonChek-DAOs
Check-DAOs is a simple application in which a developer can create proposals and other developers can vote for the proposal.Solidity, Next.js, ethers.js, Ethereum, HardhatMaverick
Personalized web3 game tutorial and tournament platformSolidity, IPFS, React, Redux, remix, Truffle, tailwind, Polygon Mumbai, Gnosis Testnet, ERC721 .Smart-Hive
A Decentralized Future for housing society.Solidity, IPFS, React, Infura, Three.JS, OpenAi, web3j, Svelte, DAO, PolygonSmart-Hive
Smart-Hive: A decentralized future for Housing Societies.Solidity, IPFS, Three.JS, web3j, EmailJS, reactjs, Hardhat, MantleSkills