
Divyansh Mishra

I am Divyansh Mishra, First year undergraduate student and although I don’t have any past coding experince in +2 yet have I attended various design and poster making, dev workshops organised by IMG, Design Studio,Infosec, Cognizance. With the help of guidance though various workshops I started using Adobe illustrator, Figma, Flutter and I found it quite intersting. Cuurently i am working on project in SOC MDG. I also love to observe the problems around me and deep dive into finding its solution. I am very excited to board on this exciting journey of Syntax Error and find a best possible solution for a problem by going as far as I can go.



An app to systemize and organize all club related activities and events enabling students to explore and learn stuff with interest and efficiency.1.) Flutter, 2.) Figma, 3.)Git & Github, 4.) Android virtual Device, 5.) Stack Overflow


App Development
UI/UX Designing