I’ve always been a great problem solver, an independent introvert, and a technophile obsessed with the latest devices. I am currently an undergrad at USICT, Delhi learning a bunch of new stuff
I’m a MERN stack Web developer and familiar with a variety of programming languages Python, C/C++, JavaScript ,Rust etc but I’m always adding new skills to my repertoire.
I have worked on many projects including university's techfest website (https://infoxpression.tech/) and many more...
CV: http://bit.ly/dhruvaeron
Sampatti 1.0
Surety Of Security. Sampatti is one place where you can come make get your proof of ownership with this layer of decentralization.Solidity, React, Node.js, JavaScript, Three.JS, Livepeer, Hardhat, Arcana, IPFS / Filecoin, fvmShodh 1.0
Decentralized platform for publishing, community verification, and managing state for research papers.Solidity, IPFS, Node.js, MetaMask, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, Remix (IDE), React.js, PolygonBhoomi 1.0
It is a decentralized secure layer over the current real-estate ecosystem for buying land fractionally in the from of ERC-1155 NFTs from the rightful owner decided by the POO ( Proof of ownership).Solidity, IPFS, Node.js, MetaMask, ERC721, reactjs, Hardhat, Web3js, ERC1155, ThreeJSSkills
- DV Social - Full Stack Developer Intern
March 2023 - April 2023
• Worked as a Full Stack intern.
• Got hands on with ReactJS to build frontend that is expected a traffic of more than 10,000
• Worked on NodeJS,ExpressJS and contributed to the various projects of the company.