Having a chance to learn something new is always interesting. I like knowing about as much different things as I can because I believe that each of those things has different lessons to teach a person.
The most complex project I have worked on so far was creating software for a movie rental store. The program would read lines from a txt file that stored information about the movies available at the store. Then, when a user rented a movie, it would update the stock, create unique files for each user and generate an invoice. While returning a movie, the program would update the stock again and create another unique file with the information of that transaction. It was an assignment from college that really tested all that I had learned so far. During the creation of the project, I had to learn to be patient with coding because I did encounter a lot of errors and fixing them was not as easy. The project also showed me my weaknesses and strengths. I was able to work through my weakness throughout the project and by the end of it, I was able to turn it around into my strength.
I deserve a chance at this hackathon because I really enjoy programming and would love to have a career in it. I believe that this will be a chance for a better learning experience because working with people as a team teaches you things that sitting in a class maybe could not.