
Darsh Patel

I m good at python as i have experienced both sector through python one is data science and another one is competitive coding, not worked at any complex level but hackathon should hire cause it would get a great output when the program is runned through me.Now coming to problem solving part, actively solving projecteuler.net questions and attempted google code-in questions and tried to solve participated in various hackerearth competitions though i haven't won many but surely experience is the father of all.


Home Automation

Automate your home and control it from anywhereFirebase, Arduino Uno, ESP8266 Wifi MCU

Smart Home

Home automation come at the fingertips of the userHTML, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, TensorFlow, Keras, Machine Learning, Python, Computer Vision

Switchless Home Automation

Control your home at your fingertip from anywhere in the worldFirebase, Arduino Uno, Embedded C, ESP8266 Wifi MCU


Artificial Intelligence
Probability Theory
Machine Learning
Deep Neural Network


  • Freelancer - Data science
    August 2019 - October 2019

    I worked in AmazonWeb Services(AWS)as a freelancer in the sector of SageMaker where the dataset needs to made and see if its good or not for the Machine learning model.