
Daniel Saldanha

I have just recently jumped in to the world of computers and programming . I learned my first programming language in the 11th grade ie C++ and immediately was excited by the vast outcomes that could be created just by writing some lines of code. Ever since then i have been aiming to learn more languages and softwares and to create better programs.

I believe that in todays world, code can help us to fix a large number problems plaguing the planet such as global warming and global waste .So by creating efficient and practical algorithms along with public support ,a few lines of code could really make a big difference



BonBot is a chatbot that aims to have highly engaging & empathetic conversations with its users so as to provide them an outlet where they can express their emotions and thoughts while being anonymousReact, Flask, TensorFlow, Deep Learning, Python, Natural language processing (NLP), Material-UI, Neural Network


Web Designing