I'm an engineering student and aspiring Full stack web developer. Experienced with JS/TS tech stacks and Java Spring.
It is an app that allows user to try plants for their garden using AR and helps them to buy it.React, Android, Flutter, Blender, Express, axiom, heurokoBlocs - Virtual Spaces
Get rid of boring discord servers! Experience virtual events in a whole new way!React, Figma, SCSS, Node js, nextjs, agora, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Socket IO, PIXI JSPOPTALK!
POPTALK! is an application that allows users to add travel posts from social media to their bucket lists and later they can connect with people around that location and chat with them.Node.js, Express.js, PubNub, Material-UI, React.js, Supabase, Recoil, React LeafletGuardian
Securily share and store your dev secrets with your teamNext.js, Express.js, TypeScript, Nodejs, PlanetScale, Prisma, Oclif, TurborepoSkills
Bots Development
Web Application Development