
Samrat Kumar Das

Hi, I'm Samrat Kumar Das from Kolkata, West Bengal.
I'm in 4th year of my BTech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering which I pursuing from Narula Institute of Technology.
I believe nothing is impossible if you think it possible.
Currently I'm enhancing my skills in Machine Learning and Cloud Development with which I want to proceed further. I love to work as a team and collaborate in open sources.
Now I looking for an internship to apply and sharpening my skills which I learn from my college and from my personal works.


Sign Language to Speech Conversion and ViceVersa

Grow, Explore more and transform the impossible into real life is our main mantra..Thats why we approaching to this project.TensorFlow, PyAudio, Tkinter, pyttsx3, Ml, cnn, Speech-Recognition, Skitlearn

Travel Website using Gemini

"Reel sa lekar real world jab jaha tab waha!!!"React, CSS, SASS, SCSS, Generative Advarsarial Networks (GANs), Nodejs, gemini, dynamic routing

