
Ashish Guleria

I am a professional backend developer with proficiency in given skills like Javascript coding,nodejs,express,mongo and other backend stuff.
I am also good at front end. I have been to many idea based hackathons like SIH 2019,Autumn Hacks and HACKCBS 2019 , ELECTROTHON 1.0 , HACK PCBT 1.0 and in latest at HACK BMU 2020.
In these hackathons i have been qualified for 2nd round in SIH and was in top 15 in Autumn Hacks , top 10 in ELECTROTHON 1.0 , 3rd runner up of HACK PCBT 1.0 and in top 8 at HACK BMU 2020.
I have also developed Crypton OS which Is a Linux Distribution for Developers.



A Platform which basically connects all the local medical shops near to the user and provides the details of medicines.jQuery, Node.js, Firebase, JavaScript, Mapbox, HTML5, CSS3, MongoDB


A Platform for Farmers and which can actually be accessed by them when needed.Bootstrap, Node.js, JS, HTML5, CSS3, MongoDB, Twilio


Full Stack
Embedded JavaScript